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     EDUCATION – Having worked as a psychologist in schools for over 20 years, I can tell you what most parents know: Students tend to not apply themselves in any class taught by a teacher they feel no connection to. This is particularly true in subject areas like math. When asked why they’re failing math, students would often say, “I don’t like the teacher.” At XY ConneXion, when XY Theory is applied to romantic relationships we’ve found that it’s difficult to get partners to make the necessary changes for their partner, if they don’t feel a connection to them or no longer respects them. We did not expect  differences in interactional styles to play as big a role in whether your child learns academically, but it does.

     Suffice it to say here, though, an even greater impact lies in the fact that teaching style and grading are often reliant on your child’s participation in class and expressiveness, both verbally and in written form. But Y type children have less expressive personalities. Should they be penalized for being who they are naturally? We are currently working within the educational system to test middle school students, and create a model for educators to better connect with their students and improve learning processes based on the student’s preferred interaction style. 



     BUSINESS – Every facet of business is affected by the XY ConneXion Model. Sales are affected by a customer’s personality and, as a result, companies claiming to be able to provide businesses with an API or the algorithms to better predict customer behavior are numerous. Yet, we believe that the Interactive Personality APIs we have developed are more effective at doing just that. Moreover, the XY  Personality and Interaction models can analyze employee behavior and thereby boost productivity, and predict which individuals can best form synergistic teams.

     Hiring and firing practices have been discovered to be affected by the interactive personality differences between individuals in HR, conducting interviews and the interviewees. But, team building is the biggest story when it comes to output and helps to determine which interactive personality types work best with their managers. Also, which personality types should be aligned to perform which functions or positions to maximize productivity. Furthermore, employees who do not get relational needs met at home are more apt to try to get needs met at work, lowering productivity. We have begun to conduct trainings and workshops for corporations and small businesses, to address these concerns.



     CAREER – We’ve known for some time that we tend to prefer jobs that match our personality. If we’re fortunate at the time we seek meaningful employment, we might choose a job or career that energizes us rather than depletes us at the end of the day. This is what we’ve discovered when we applied XY Theory to career choice. Y types were choosing careers that were requiring less interaction, more solo projects and less teamwork. Engineering, computer programming and similar careers were typically the choice of Y type personalities, while X types were often found in service oriented careers. When this did not occur, X types felt their jobs weren’t a vocation or calling, but drudgery, while misplaced Ys were going home to their families from jobs like teaching or counseling, and needing one to two hours to recharge their batteries and recoup. 

     Our intention is to ultimately work with high schools, universities, colleges and college counselors to help students understand their own interactive personalities and make career choices based on their preferred interaction style.

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© 2023 by Sean Jacob for JRI

At XY ConneXion, we stand firmly committed to fostering an accepting and inclusive community. We embrace diversity in all its forms, valuing each individual’s unique background, experiences, and perspectives. Our goal is to create an environment where everyone feels welcomed, respected, and empowered to be their authentic selves.

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