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Welcome couples! We offer two free tests for you to explore: Communication and Intimacy. Want even more information on your relationship? For $19.95 each, you can access all of our tests! Just register separately so you can compare your results! Have kids? Purchase our family pack, one pack per adult, and learn even more about your family unit.

Upon clicking the link to the test, you will be led to a new tab. When you finish the test, come back to this page to take the other tests.



Discover your communicative need to connect.



How necessary is XY intimacy in your relationship.



How much closeness or space do you need to feel connected.



Find out if you and your partner handle conflict in compatible ways.



Are you able to adapt and pivot to meet your partner's interactive needs.


Social/Relational Connexion

Do you need more Social ConneXions or Relational Bonds.

The XY ConneXion  Partner Perception Test: Communication

Take the test in place of your partner.

The XY ConneXion Partner Perception Test: Intimacy

Take the test in place of your partner.


The XY ConneXion  Parent-Child Interaction Test: Communication

Take the test in place of your child.


The XY ConneXion  Parent-Child Interaction Test: Intimacy

Take the test in place of your child.

     The XY ConneXion Tests we cover here are tests that measure XY Communication, XY Intimacy, Connectivity and Social/Relational ConneXion. We connect with each other in many different ways, but to enjoy at least a Basic ConneXion with those you care about, you should connect in compatible ways. 

     Chances are, that you have already taken the tests. But if you haven’t, go to the top this page, click on the “Take the Test” tab and take the tests. Then share your results with your partner and as many friends as you can on Facebook, Twitter, ‎WhatsApp, Pinterest, or whatever your favorite platform might be. Not only will you assist them in understanding how to interact with you better, but they would be able to use the information to enhance their own relationships with partners and family members. 

     If you knew for instance that your partner didn't need to hear from you several times during the day, that could actually help your relationship. Discovering what each person needs to maintain their connection will absolutely be a game changer.

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